Celia A. Rangel

Journalism — Dr. Bednar

June 26, 2002

Product Unveiling

As the worldwide leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of the best toy products for your precious little ones, we are committed to progression that coincides closely with — yet often exceeds — the rapid and continual development of civilization. A trend we currently see infiltrating the lives of adults worldwide, is the goal of self-improvement. At Wac(k)o Industries, however, we understand that the healthy adult is first a curious child. The question we are always asking ourselves when we design our products, therefore, is, ‘How can we make crucial elements of adulthood accessible to a young audience?’ We have come to adopt this objective above all others: to create role-models that are not only fun and inspiring to children, but also, characters that exhibit realistic qualities such as a careless hairdo, an occasional frown, and a disbelief in organized religion.

That is precisely how we came up with this month’s release. Here is a product that encompasses qualities on all sides of the spectrum. We’re not even sure we can pinpoint everything it stands for. Call it "New Age", call it "radical"; we call it the ‘Intangible Thomas’ doll - Wac(k)o’s latest addition to our ‘Movers & Shakers’ product line. Intangible Thomas is new. It’s innovative. It will change your life. It’s the phenomenal, extraordinary, but most of all, genuine creature you need to teach your children valuable lessons about life.


Imagine a fuzzy-headed and willowy character, comfortably curled up at the head of a rather large bed. He sits with his legs and arms coiled close to the rest of his body, as he carries on a conversation about the compulsive reading and aimless driving he does for fun. His bare feet seem to explore the bed around him as if they have a mind of their own, while his eyes look down through the lens of his small, oval-shaped glasses, at the assortment of beads left behind from the apparent craft-gathering he and his friends had held just moments before. His movement is slow and meticulous, and his concentration unyielding, as he picks up the spilled beads, one by one, placing them into a jar which he eventually covers and delivers to its appropriate keeping-place.

Later, he sits outside on a hard wooden bench — his seemingly malleable limbs no less retracted and curled up than on the cushiony bed he sunk into before. His speech is methodical and flows evenly, with little interjection from his arms or hands, which cross comfortably in his lap. As the calm of the night settles in, so does his desire to be analytical about the "erotic possibilities as a student at Southwestern," and other issues that indicate a serious and contemplative approach to unusual matters that most would overlook. He is about to elaborate on his beliefs, when he realizes that he has said enough; he dislikes being "too intellectual about himself." Toward the ideas of the people around him, however, he is more exploratory. Prompting more discussions than he actually takes a central role in, he is attentive and almost diagnostic in his responses. A short "hmm," usually precedes any statement of his opinion; meanwhile, he judiciously organizes the words that make clear and concise arguments.


We are in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in a hotel room occupied by Thomas and two or three of his friends with whom he grew up in Waco, Texas. I have never formally met Thomas until tonight, although the name, "Thomas Hanks," has always brought a smile to my face for the simple reason that whoever he is must have had a great time coming up with smartass responses to questions about his relation to the famous actor. Thomas is the initiator of discussion tonight, as my friend Kara and I are guests — or intruders — for the evening. The questions he asks, however, are almost impossible to send back in his direction. They demonstrate the systematic design that I will later begin to associate with every deliberation of Thomas’s. And so, aside of some brief, detail-free responses to some very general questions I manage to throw in his direction, I learn very little tonight about who Thomas truly is.


He is relaxed, though not brutishly or clumsily so. His posture is humble, but interested, as he divides his attention between the items on the menu (of which he is already very much aware), and a basic overview of how his week has been going. He is cheerful this morning, with agreeable things to say about the children he is paid to take care of, the "cute old man" who sits at a table nearby, and the pancakes that are "almost unpleasantly filling." In fact, his playful smile finds its way into just about every sentence, and it is suddenly apparent why small children, smart women, and bunnies would want to be close to him.

Then a comment flies about the waitress being a bitch and the restaurant being artificially cool, and his frustration with things gives him an eager voice. He’s cynical about peoples’ actions, and his opposition to responsibility resonates in the remarks he makes about "having things to do," the obligations of his first serious relationship, and his readiness to give children back their parents after only a few hours.

Still, his calm and careful disposition makes it impossible for him to be forceful. He laughs intermittently, between criticisms of "things in society" and humble praises for how "attached" he and his partner, Sarah, have become. Evidently, here is someone who is obedient to his beliefs. Masculinity, to him, has no solitary definition; thus, a man can and should wish to have control over certain things in his life, but is free to be as compassionate and serene as he chooses.


It has been about three months since Thomas and I have had the opportunity to exchange more than a few words. We don’t cross paths very often, but he is someone whose path should require a regular crossing, as a favor to myself.

Thomas has offered to take me to breakfast because he likes to take people out. I believe this, and would have very little trouble believing any other act Thomas does for a friend out of generosity. In Santa Fe, when Kara and I whined about a one-hour drive we would have to make with the same strange couple we had driven across the country with for nearly a week, Thomas was insistent that he make a bed for us in their already crowded hotel room. I find it ironic, therefore, that Thomas is occupied by his need to be "more open" and "less judgmental," — so concerned that he has a tattoo on his forearm to remind him. I suppose there is much about Thomas that has to be understood gradually, as he is not likely to explain or even understand those things himself.


Do you know why some women actually choose to become lesbians these days? Because toy products, in general, have not done enough to teach young boys to be sensitive, and have, instead, made it their goal to create monsters. Women and men’s needs are misaligned as a result; women resort to dating other women in order to have their needs met. Young boys aspire to be like Henry the Horrible Heathen, whose physical strength is all he needs to be successful. Never mind the emotionality or warmth that makes us whole persons. Henry automatically rejects the rights of man to cry, to be moved by love, to love respectfully.

Our society is calling for individuals who will stand apart from the crowd, who will refuse the unilateral definitions of gender, race, religion, and class. This is where the ‘Intangible Thomas’ doll comes in. Organized groups that make him a team player don’t work for Intangible Thomas. He also expends very little energy worrying about superficial matters, and has no problem stepping outside the boundaries of the groups he is inescapably made part of.

We need abstract concepts to operate through our characters, however, so we’ve made sure to equip Intangible Thomas with sufficient laziness, and an extreme appeasement found in sitting around the whole day, with nothing to do. In addition, Intangible Thomas will rarely be seen making a huge fuss over his dissatisfaction with anything. Afterall, who says you can’t believe strongly in something without making an extravagant display of your beliefs?

While we confirm the importance of education as a goal in the lives of your children, we encourage allowing that education to take whatever shape best suits your child. For Intangible Thomas, this means staying in the comfort of his college life for at Southwestern University for at least five years, "maybe six." Realization of one’s responsibilities is inevitable at some point, but Intangible Thomas enjoys fantasizing that maybe one day he’ll be rich and will have nothing obligatory to do.


Perhaps it is because I lack clarity in my own thoughts that I appreciate Thomas’s directness. It’s refreshing to be around him. So many times I question how seriously he considers some of the things he talks about — but then I stop smiling at their peculiarity, and realize how boring we would all be if we didn’t think about "closing the honey bottle in a way that won’t make it sticky the next time you use it," or if we didn’t "dislike particular performers who seem like they’d be assholes," or if we didn’t have a partiality toward Anise-flavored candy.

Something about Thomas creates this image of a toy in my mind…maybe a little lion…that is unbelievably huggable. But he’s stubborn, too. Once accustomed to a particular routine, it is difficult to break Thomas from a habit — including the assortment of pillows he has to sleep with, and the way he wraps his sandwich. He’s moody, and he refuses to do things simply because he doesn’t want to, "damnit". He tends to take things for face value, and can be pretty judgmental about people and life in general. In my opinion, part of that judgment is a virtue. Perhaps it is also what makes him so judicious in areas of his life that pleasantly affect other peoples’ lives.


We regret to inform you that the release date for the Intangible Thomas doll has been postponed. We choose to push back the release, not because the product is incomplete, but rather, because the final product is impossible to capture in a single casing.

Stay tuned for information about the other ‘Movers and Shakers’ characters, which include: the ever-popular ‘Buffoonery Bob’ doll, ‘Jake the Snake’, and your favorite and mine: the ‘I-Got-The-Green-McCombs’ doll.