The Meaning Behind Chick Flicks

 "Chick Flicks," they are the number one genre of movie shown at sleepovers or seen at the theaters by groups of women. Chick Flicks, defined as "'any movie that makes a special connection with a female audience'" (Ferriss and Young) or "a film made specifically to appeal to a female audience" (Ferriss and Young), may seem like innocent light hearted tales that give women an indulgent moment in a fantasy world before returning to their hectic lives. These romantic comedies are filled with laughter, tears, and joys in which the majority of women all over the world enjoy. One could assume that these films, which are dedicated to entertaining women, would have the goal of empowering and giving solidarity to femininity. Are these films uplifting to the gender they seek to entertain? "Chick flicks have been accused of reinscribing traditional attitudes and reactionary roles for women. On the other hand they have been embraced as pleasurable and potentially liberating entertainments, assisting women in negotiating the challenges of contemporary life" (Ferriss and Young). By examining the discourse these films solidify and by psychoanalyzing them we can examine the chick flick paradox and see whether they embody derogatory meanings for women or if they support of the post-feminist movement.

Sexuality of "Over the Hill" Women
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This Webpage was produced in COM 783: Visual Communication,

a class taught by Bob Bednar in the Communication Studies Department at Southwestern University