Welcome to the completely unofficial, unsponsored, independent, and brilliant website devoted to analyzing a good amount of visual material relating to the 2012 Olympics in London

As you journey through this website, you will meet Wenlock and Mandeville, examine London's bizarre Olympic logo, and explore advertisements used to promote both the Olympic games and London as a host city.

Hopefully at the end of your journey you will better understand how London's campaign and advertising for the 2012 Olympics negotiated between promoting England as a nation while encouraging the unification of every country, and how it interpellated audiences of all ages to participate in good natured sport.

Let us begin! If you get lost, just click on the London logo on the top left of each page. Neato!

Click to Enter!



This Webpage was produced in COM 784: Visual Communication,

a class taught by Bob Bednar in the Communication Studies Department at Southwestern University