Producer: How the producer claims space: As a producer, your intent is to capture the space of the consumer. Connect your thoughts with what they will see.
Henri Lefebver, a prominent neo-marxist philosopher argues that a being is interconnected between the social and the spatial and given value to the idea of creating these spaces. "He uses the term "production of space" to capture the relationship: people produce places, places produce people, and this production" has the ability to "produce social" interaction that creates value (Saaticioglu, p,33) He makes the claim that spaces is an "important tool for the power and control in modern capitalism allowing space to have exchange value that is essential for the movement of capital." (Saaticioglu, p.33). To explain this theory he articulates three approaches to space: Objective, subjective and lived. To explain this theory you must realize that each producer has the ability to give value to a space and therefore creates the need to use that space and create capital through it.

"The objective space resembles Lefebvre's abstract space ... everyday physical and routine movements and practices of people" (Saaticioglu, p.33)
"The subjective space captures idealist-subjectivists approaches to social spaces as the pure product of agency and human imagination ... subjective space conceptualizes and organizes space with concepts, metaphors, and code" (Bell, p.10) For example, within a store, multiple ideological themes are conveyed by the retailer, which then turn into the retail space into a store house of "epistemological power". It shapes and promotes various consumption activities and meanings. (Saaticioglu, p.33)
"The lived space involves a fusion of the real and imagined spaces with the actual lived uses by consumer. ... Here social spatial knowledge is continually expanding and open to revision and the construction of new meanings" (Saaticioglu, p.34)
"This trialectics gives guidance on how to conceptualize space across the real, imagined, and lived dimensions. Consider the impact of the renovation of a retail setting using this approach. It allows the producer to shape the places in which consumers will shop, places that are best conceptualized by the consumer themselves.