Work Cited

De Alba, Alicia G. "The Maquiladora Murders." Latino Policy & Issues Brief 7 (2003).

Femicide the politics of woman killing. New York: Twayne, Maxwell Macmillan Canada, Maxwell Macmillan International, 1992.

Fragroso, Julia M. "Serial Sexual Femicide in Ciudade Juarez: 1993-2001." Debate Feminista 25 (2002).

Fregoso, Rosa Linda. MeXicana encounters the making of social identities on the borderlands. Berkeley: University of California P, 2003.

Michel., Foucault,. Power/knowledge selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. New York: Pantheon Books, 1980.

Mora, Sergio de la. Gender Terrorism on the U.S. Mexican Border: Murder, Women, and Justice in Lourdes Portillo's Senorita Extraviada. University of California. 2001.

Nathan, Debbie. The Juarez Murders. Amnesty International Magazine.

Rose, Gillian. Visual methodologies an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials. London: SAGE, 2007.

Russel, Diana E.H., ed. Femicide in Global Perspective (Athene Series). New York: Teachers College P, 2001.

Valdez, Diana Washington. The Killing Fields Harvest of Women. Washington, D.C.: Peace at the Border, 2006.

Wolf, Naomi. Beauty myth how images of beauty are used against women. New York: W. Morrow, 1991.

Case Study: Life Cycle of "Afghan Girl" by Steve McCurry (from Holly Edwards 2007)cy

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