Sports Advertising

From looking at the surplus of ads that depict women and men in sports advertising, the patterns and trends between two major companies is clearly seen. The posture and outfits of the women are organized in a more sexual way as opposed to what we see of the men's positioning. "Marketers and advertisers need not abandon 'sexy' advertising in lieu of political correctness. What is really needed is a thoughtful, comprehensive marketing plan that assigns 'creative' a back seat to strategy, focus and finding the essence of the message you are trying to convey" (Miller 115). This quote shows how much our society relies on the idea that sex sells in advertising and we have to strive to achieve it all costs. Getting a sense of understanding as to who the target audience for these specific ads are directed towards, allows the viewer to get a better grasp of what is trying to be communicated through the advertisements.

As we have seen through the examples of sports advertisements, this subject area is increasing and could be used in the future for others on how they view females and males. In sports advertising, men's ads have the tough and athletic appeal with a background that engages the type of manly feel the advertiser is trying to convey. On the other hand, women are shown representing tennis, but in a more sexualized way that makes them appealing to the viewer based off their looks. This clear distinction between women and men is not just seen in mainstream advertising, but as we have witnessed sports advertising as well. Nike and Adidas are both companies who partake in this gender difference when it comes to their brand specific advertising campaigns or slogans. By analyzing ads with different players and genders, we are able to see how much this discourse is really taking shape. It is not something new that is happening throughout society, but instead it is starting to become the norm and what people are used to which creates the problem. As advertising continues to take form and modernize, it will be interesting to see the new trends and patterns that emerge for men and women in sports advertising. The change will not only have an effect on the viewers, but the athletes as well who become subjugated to the gender differences.




Miller, Michele. "Sexism in advertising and marketing to women."International Journal of Advertising. (2005) 24: 113-115.

