I get by with a little help from my friends

Works Cited
Billings, Andrew, James Angelini, and Dan Wu. "Nationalistic Notions of the Superpowers: Comparative Analyses of the American and Chinese Telecasts in the 2008 Beijing Olympiad.

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Choi, Andrew. "Coca-Cola China’s Virtual Olympic Torch Relay Programme at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games: Adding Interactivity to a Traditional Offline

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Dapkus, Rimantas, and Husra Lisinskiene. "Assessment of Olympic Ideals among Adolescents and Development of the Olympic Movement in Rural Regions.

"Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: Rural Development 5.2 (2011): 100-04. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 May 2012.

Falcous, Mark, and Michael Silk. "Olympic Bidding, Multicultural Nationalism, Terror, and the Epistemological Violence of 'Making Britain Proud'"

Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 10.2 (2010): 168-86. Academic Search Complete. Web. 2 May 2012.

Jasim, Dhurgham, Zaid K. Gasim, and Hadeel D. Abdullah. "Philosophical Concepts of Some of the Modern Summer Olympic Symbols."

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Kress, Gunther, and Theo Van. Leeuwen. "The Meaning of Composition." Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. London: Routledge, 2006. Print.

Rose, Gillian. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials. London: SAGE, 2012. Print.

International Olympic Committee (2011). Olympic Charter 2011. Lausanne: IOC.

London 2012 Candidate File. Available at: http://www.london2012.com/documents/

candidate-files/theme-17-olympism.pdf (accessed 4 November 2008).

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