Users and Fans of Video Games

Users of video games are different than those of any other medium in that they actively contribute to the experience of playing the game; game playing is an active experience not a passive one, rather than other media which can be viewed, but not interacted with. (Busse, 261, 264) An example of this would be that a film about a plane landing is fixed and unalterable, the audience could interpret it in different ways but not influence it, but by contrast a flight simulator allows the player to preform actions that modify the behavior of a system in a way that is similar to the behavior of an actual plane. (Frasca, 224) There are several types of interactivity within videogames; whether it be branching story paths, gameplay sequences like boss fights or puzzles, or simulations which by their very nature are incredibly interactive as to allow the player an accurate simulation. (Szilas, 150) In reality though it is impossible to have a game without fans or users, because a game without users cannot be played at all, without people putting effort into them, the game is nothing. The game’s interactive nature implicates users in the game's story world, play mechanics, and structure.(Carlson)

As a result of its unique characteristics as a technology and a medium, a computer game engages its players with several novel forms of coproductivity, such as modding, the making of machinima videos, and the writing of game play walkthroughs. Depending on the game, genre, and playing style, the player is either expected or encouraged to create game content and game-related texts of their own. (Wirman) Like fans of most works video game fans often translate their playing into different kinds of cultural activities such as creating fan fiction, fan art, or music remixes. There are also cultural activities that are completely unique to the medium of video games, such as mods or fan games which directly rely on the game engine, and thus the interactivity inherent in the medium. By looking at the cultural activities associated with game fandom we can better understand what the fandom think about video games and how they understand the medium.


I'd like to know more about fan works; fan videos, fan art, etc..

I'd like to know more about some of these fanworks that are unique to video games.

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