Heart Wrenching Iconic Images

These images have been placed into the "Heart Wrenching Iconic Images" category because they possess a certain quality that evokes sadness in an overwhelming number of viewers.

Diegesis: several people standing up, both looking away from the photographer and looking toward the camera. There are people in the foreground, middle ground and background. There is a person lying facedown on the pavement in the foreground as well as a person on their knees before the person lying on the pavement.

Signifiers: the people standing up, the person kneeling down and the person lying facedown on the pavement.

Signified: it can be gathered, primarily by the facial expression of the woman kneeling, but also by her outstretched hands (as if she is saying "How has this happened?") and by the perplexed looks of the people in the background, that something terribly has just happened. It can also be ascertained that the problem is with the person lying down because of the unusual body positioning in public. The kneeling woman's role is as a reactor; she also provides anchorage to the problem. Because that person is facedown and because of the shocked/horrified/grieved facial expression of the woman kneeling, it can be gathered that the figure is in some kind of trouble; the figure is either sick or dead. Given the historical context behind the event this is a visual representation of, we know that the figure is dead.

Myth: The myth that this photo challenges is that American people are safe on American soil and even further, that our children are safe at college. This photo also challenges the idea of freedom of speech and peaceful protest because someone's life ended as a result.

Diegesis: a human figure suspended in the space in the photograph and the background.

Signifiers: the human figure and the background.

Signified: because the figure is upside down and the background looks like a building, it can be gathered that this figure is falling. Even without context, we can see that this figure has no agency, but rather the figure is simply suspended in midair; there is nothing that he can do to affect his situation. He is utterly vulnerable.

Myth: Much like the last photograph, the myth that this photo challenges is that American people are safe on American soil. It challenges the ideology that America is invincible.

Diegesis: several figures running towards the camera, most figures are clothed, while one is not clothed. Some figures are wearing uniforms and carrying weapons, some are children, while some are adult, the road and the landscape.

Signifiers: the human figures, the road, the landscape, the smoke, the uniforms.

Signified: some of the figures, specifically the children are visibly terrified, while others, specifically the men in uniform, appear to be nonchalant. The connotative signs that denote "upset" are the faces of the children and the lack of clothing on one of the children. The nonchalant vibe from the soldiers is gathered by their lack of interest in the clearly upset people surrounding them. The gait of the soldier in the front on the far left gives off the feeling that he is strolling down a road doing his day to day tasks. This is juxtaposed by the demeanor of the children who's lives appear to have been fundamentally altered.

Myth: The myth that this photograph evokes is the consideration of children as innocent and immune to bad or "adult" aspects of life. A myth that this photograph challenges is that everything that we do in war is justified.

Diegesis: a baby, a grown man, blood, firefighting uniform.

Signifiers: the human figure of the man, the hat, the baby, the blood.

Signified: based on the clothing the man is wearing, it can be gathered that he is a firefighter, which places him in the position of fixing disaster. Because it is in his job description as a firefighter, the man is in the position of fixing, or positively affecting a problem. Because of this, it can be ascertained that the problem has affected the small child that he is carrying. He is carrying the child with care and looking upon the child with concern. There is nothing on the man's mind besides trying to help the child. The child is covered in blood and dirt, which signifies that she is seriously injured or has died.

Myth: One of the myths/ideologies present in this photo is that firefighters are brave and will do everything they can to save anyone who is a victim of a disaster. A myth that is challenged in this photo is that children are immune to adult problems or that children are protected or have some kind of shield to ward off atrocities because of their innocence. An additional myth that is challenged here is that Americans are safe from terrorism--at least from other Americans.