GPS and Foursquare

An alternative way to experience augmented reality is to use the global positioning satellite (GPS) feature of one's smartphone. The map that you see when you use the GPS feature to get directions is most certainly augmented reality; it is a representation of the physical world that is in the virtual world, and your phone is the anchor for the marker used to represent you on the map. A popular application that uses the GPS feature of smartphones is Foursquare. Foursquare is a "location-based application" with which users can utilize the GPS signal of their device to "check in" to places they visit and leave reviews and tips. This check-in is an anchor to a map on the Foursquare application. This allows for users to see where their friends are, discover places nearby, and leave feedback about a particular place. The places are usually businesses but users can create check-in spots on Foursquare at college buildings, apartment complexes, and any other place they want (Gazzard). This check-in system allows for users and businesses to mediate an augmented reality map that other users can experience and with which they can interact. For example, if one user checks in at a restaurant and leaves a tip about what to order, a friend of that user can see where he checked in, what the tip was, and then visit the restaurant herself and leave a review or her own tip.


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