You are a WOMAN. have the body of a Dallas Cowboy's Cheerleader. cake on as much make-up as possible in an attempt to look as if you are not wearing any make-up at all. have a shopping obsession that is more than a small hazard to your bank account. realize that your true place is in the kitchen due to your love of baking, frosting, and sprinkles (because, duh, sprinkles are the glitter of the baking world). want more than anything to become a mother, and if you can't have kids, to be Angelina Jolie's top competition in the adoption world. truly are a terrible driver, especially when it comes to parking, but you still drive the biggest car you can get your hands on. find yourself salivating at Ryan Reynolds' hot bod, but then you catch yourself and wonder if he has the personality to match. are constantly searching for Mr. Right. secretly believe that someday your prince will come, thanks to all the Disney Princess movies you were raised on as a girl.
If any of these characteristics of femininity are in any way false... you are not considered a true WOMAN in modern American culture.

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