the signs

               Each of these signs relates to the other by forming the world that is streamed across each and every advertisement, but also by speaking to the viewer and offering them the wonderful world of Apple that is not theirs...yet. Therefore, the combined power of these signs speaks to the viewer and says to them, "Your life could be better, easier, and mobile. Now make it happen." This is the preferred meaning that Apple, Inc. hopes for the viewers to decode. These signs may appear as denotative, but are clearly connotative by associating power and a life of ease with the technological products, even when technology is usually associated with difficulty and being time consuming. Technology is also usually seen as having the tendency to separate one from their real life, and these signs come together to challenge that myth. They are giving a positive outlook to something that is often criticized for severing ties. This myth is therefore challenged, because as Barthes says, "myth is not defined by the object of its message, but by the way in which it utters this message" (Rose, 96). The ideologies that Apple, Inc. has in mind create a world of positive outlooks when it comes to technology and its capabilities and tendencies.
               For being such simplistic advertisements, they exert many possibilities for the viewer. Granted, the readings that viewers can have when seeing these advertisements may vary, but the polysemy of the ads is fairly limited. Because the ad is not a demanding ad, it offers the product in a manner that says, "Here it is. It is what it is." It merely presents the product in one distinct way, one meaning. The limit of possible meanings, though, does not change the fact that there may be many different decodings that vary over a wide range of opinions. The design of these advertisements impacts the meaning greatly, because throughout the advertisements, the voiceovers may work as a type of anchoring, but honestly, as a viewer myself, I rarely pay attention to the voiceovers, because the visual aspects always reel me in the most. What do serve as an anchor throughout these advertisements are the small phrases and Apple logos. In many of the iPad commercials, they will show what the iPad can do, then follow with one word that represents what was shown. For example, two sets of hands are playing a game, then the next screen shot simply says in black lettering on a white screen "playful". In the same commercial an application that allows one to look up cooking recipes right there on the screen is followed by the word "delicious". "The text helps to identify purely and simply the elements of the scene and the scene itself"; those elements being what is show on the iPad screens (Barthes, 39).

               Many of the commercials also either begin or end with the Apple logo, which is just that, an apple. The anchorage allows for the preferred meaning to be targeted at the viewer, and this preferred reading is reinstated by the anchors.

               Many elements of the Apple commercials come together to create a recognizable and aesthetically appealing design and text. Some of these elements, such as was is presented on the screen, can shift and change, but the reality is they all weave themselves together to create a campaign that is very much what Apple is all about, ease and design.
