Evernote is a unique example of a tech startup in this study because it is not used simply as a website when accessed on a computer. Instead, once downloaded onto a PC or Mac, it is used as an application, similar to a mobile app. Christopher Null summarizes its function in an article from PC World, describing it as “a hybrid system of offline and cloud-based features. You'll need to create an account when you first download it; you can then install it almost anywhere. In Evernote, every page you create is its own Note. Notes are most useful when organized into Notebooks.” (Null, 2013) Although Evernote does provide a service that is incredibly useful for the average person, it is also exceptionally effective as a business tool. The article which the above quotation was pulled from is even called How to Run Your Business with Evernote.

Evernote is an interesting crossover between the business genre of tech startups and the entertainment realm. Although it was not created to be ‘fun’, per say, it does help any user store vast amounts of important information in a multimodal capacity, which is extremely helpful for the often forgetful human brain. Its ability to cross platforms and be accessed from any computer or mobile device that is connected to a wireless network or some form of internet makes it all the more valuable. However, as was previously pointed out, it can also function as a business tool, helping small business owners keep track of all of the ins and outs of their trade. Because it must appeal to both groups, the aesthetic qualities of the website are an amalgamation of the interfaces of the user-friendly entertainment-based websites and mobile applications and the straightforward business oriented applications such as LinkedIn.
As can be observed from the mobile application, Evernote also leaves out the ‘Sign in with facebook’ option, implying that its primary function is not social networking-based. Although the caption, ‘Save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see.’ does suggest that the user could potentially share what they record using the application, it also insinuates that it exists for you, the user.