Works Cited
Images: Fabian Perez Official Website and Google Images

Bal, Mieke and Norman Bryson. "Semiotics and Art History." The Art Bulletin 73:2 (1991): 174-208. Print.

Bernheimer, Charles. "Degas's Brothels: Voyeurism and Ideology." Representations 20 (1987): 158-86. Print.

Crockett, Campbell. "Psychoanalysis in Art Criticism." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17:1 (1958): 34-44. Print.

Fabian Perez official online biography Accessed: 4-18-11

Forte, Jeanie. "Women's Performance Art: Feminism and Postmodernism." Theatre Journal 40:2 (1988): 217-235. Print.

Gouma-Peterson, Thalia and Patricia Mathews. "The Feminist Critique of Art History." The Art Bulletin 69:3 (1987):326-357. Print.

Iskin Ruth E. "Selling, Seduction, and Soliciting the Eye: Manet's Bar at the Folies-Bergere." The Art Bulletin 77:1 (1995): 25-44. Print.

Knauer, Elfriede Regina. "Portrait of a Lady? Some Reflections on Images of Prostitutes from the Later Fifteenth Century." Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 47 (2002): 95-117. Print.

Neperud, Ronald W. "The Relationship of Art Training and Sex Differences to Aesthetic Valuing." Visual Arts Research 12:2 (1986): 1-9. Print.

Rose, Gillian. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. 2nd Ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007. Print.

Sargent's Fine Art and Jewelry Accessed: 4-18-11

Weisberg, Gabriel P. "Louis Legrand's Battle Over Prostitution: The Uneasy Censoring of Le Courrier Francais." Art Journal 51:1 (1992): 45-50. Print.


Fabian Perez's Life,
Art, and Influences
Prostitution, Perez,
and Other Artists
Psychoanalysis, Prostitution,
and Perez
Feminism, Women,
and Art